State News for NSPE Members – December 2020

Water Shortages Force Search for Unique Solutions
Severe drought conditions have the state searching for ways to address water shortages. New Mexico’s Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department is requiring oil and gas operators to report how much water they use to drill and complete wells, even though water use by these operators accounts for less than 1% of the water used in New Mexico, the Albuquerque Journal reports. This measure stems from the Produced Water Act, a law passed last year.
In the community of Carlsbad, which has a severe water shortage, water is being pumped from multiple state-owned wells into the Pecos River for use in irrigation and for other purposes. And in the Navajo community of To’Hajiilee, where its aquifer has dried up over the past few decades, Bernalillo County and the Navajo Nation have made a deal that will pipe surface water to residents. To’Hajiilee is located 20 miles west of Albuquerque.
A new book from the University of New Mexico Press addresses these and related issues faced by the state: At the Precipice: New Mexico’s Changing Climate.
Governor’s Task Force Reports High Emissions in the State
Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s Climate Change Task Force released its second report this fall, which said New Mexico produces more than twice the national average of greenhouse gas emissions per capita. The high levels are “largely the result of our greenhouse gas-intensive oil and gas industry, which makes up a significant portion of our overall greenhouse gas emissions profile,” the report said. The governor’s goals include reducing emissions, increasing renewable energy, and decarbonizing the transportation sector.
Stay up to date on legislative issues through the NSPE Advocacy Center .
NSPE Government Relations Staff Releases 2020 Advocacy Report
NSPE’s Government Relations staff has released its year-end report—By the Numbers—a semi-deep dive into how advocacy campaigns performed, which issues staff tracked and how often, and which members of Congress were most and least supportive of NSPE issues.
The report provides summaries of lessons learned and establishes best practices. It also draws some fact-based conclusions on who are NSPE allies on the Hill, and which offices need a little more prompting before they get on board. It’s an excellent capstone to an unexpected and difficult, but ultimately successful year!
Education Foundation Celebrates 60 Years of Giving Back

For 60 years, the NSPE Education Foundation has been a major source of support for the educational and ethical practice needs of engineering students, engineering teachers, and practicing professionals.
This past year, the foundation gave out five scholarships to deserving engineering students and supported young professionals in NSPE’s Emerging Leaders Program . In the coming year, the foundation will explore additional programs to broaden its reach and impact, and NSPE member support will mean more than ever before.
In this season of giving, and in honor of the NSPE Education Foundation’s 60th anniversary, a donation of $60 will help further its mission to support students, educators, young professionals, and the profession at large.
EJCDC Releases New Owner and Engineer Task Order Docs
The Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee has released a new document: EJCDC E-505 2020, Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services—Task Order Edition . This document is available to NSPE members at a 50% discount.
EJCDC E-505 defines individual task orders for specific professional assignments. In a task order, the owner and engineer agree to task-specific terms, such as scope of services, schedule, and compensation, for each specific assignment. When a task order is issued, no drafting or negotiating is needed for provisions such as indemnification, insurance, claims, dispute resolution, suspension, or termination because these provisions will have been negotiated previously and set in place in the E-505 Main Agreement and its exhibits.
The E-505 is designed for multiple or recurring assignments (“tasks”) related to one or several projects; it is similar to the E-500 Agreement Between Owner-Engineer for Professional Services in structure, terminology, and conditions. Updates to the EJCDC E-505 include enhanced and reorganized exhibits to the E-505 main agreement and task order form to reflect evolving contract practice and improve ease of use. This edition is published in four parts, which are included in a downloadable zip file.
It’s Not Too Late: Get Your 15 Free PDHs for 2020

Act now to take advantage of the annual NSPE membership benefit of 15 free PDHs. Access to the 2020 lineup of courses will end after December 31.
Members may earn credits by viewing the webinars from the comfort of their home or office and will receive an attendance certificate after passing a quiz with a score of 70% or higher. PDHs from these courses are recognized by most US states, including Florida.
Don’t have time to view the 15 free courses before December 31? Simply “purchase” the webinars by December 31 and add them to your NSPE member account. That way you can view them when you are ready. Webinars in your account can be accessed for up to one year.
Here’s a sample of available webinar topics:
- Engineering Ethics: The obligation to conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically and lawfully
- Drones: The Sky’s the Limit
- How Not to Fail as a Leader
- Professional Engineer’s Role on Application of Artificial Intelligence and Technology
- Texts and Emails That Fuel Engineering Success
Act now to access the 2020 free courses .